About the company
and the product
Our company is the producer of the unique identification system of the future for the marking of the things with the help of the microdots.
We are deliver our ID microdots to the different parts of the world, where is serves as strong tool against the criminality.
The microdots are universal identification element with the unique code number PIN and with the hologram. The microdots are produced from the nickel, which is the universal material resistants of the high temperatures. The size of the microdots can be from 0,2 mm, the most used is the size of 0,5 mm.
The microdots have a great use for the identification and the marking of the most different things. The are most commonly use for the marking of the vehicles, the motocykles but also the precious metals. The microdots are of the eye almost invisible and it is practically impossible to remove all of them.
For the marking vehicles and next things we are mostly using the spray, in which is at least 5.000 pcs of the microdots with the unique code, which are placed after various part of the car or another differents transports. Also we are offering to the product the etching set, which is for the glass of the vehicles, where is displayed the unique code of the microdot and thans to this is the identification of the car is completely perfect.
Further is the application possible by the brush, with the unique invisible varnish. This application is suitable for smaller objects, for example motorbikes, bicycles, scooters or the various technical equipment. We are able to mark practically everything.
There is always an possibility to make an unique kind of the application according to the customer wish, to be marking our microdots always ideal for the marking of the certainly thing.
The marked subject is registered in the database and thanks to this it is very easy to find the original owner when it is finds and when it is stolen. It is an possibility to use our www.worldcentralregister.com , or to use own register, which uses directly the national distributor for the certain market.

The identification element with the unique alphanumeric code, about size from 0,2 mm till 1 mmm. The most used size is 0,5 mm.

Contains at least 5.000 microdots - the simple and effective aplication on the transport facilities and other property.

the product for the alphanumeric marking of the cars windshields

The world central register, for the registration and easy identification of the products marked by our system after the whole world. The quick possibility to verify the origin of marked subjects.
Quality policy in the company
MHR company s.r.o., is a company working in the field of micro-identification systems for protection an identification of property including automotive industry, with experience since 2011.
The goal of the company is to offer an unique identification of physical property by microdots to the customer. We permanently improve efficiency and quality of services offered, the system of company management and also the ability of quick reaction to change of conditions and customer demands.
Basic principles of quality policy
The main person to judge the quality of our services is the customer, and by implementing the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system we want to offer an acceptable assurance that the results of our business activities fully comply to directives, legislation and at he same time contribute to the development of the customers business.
Goals of the quality policy
- Increasing the quality of services by implementing QMS by the ISO 9001:2015 directive.
- To monitor the output of our suppliers by choosing the right criteria for increasing the permanent quality of our services.
- Permanent improvement of our employees qualification in the fields of professionalism and quality.
- Create, redesign and fulfil the goals of the company.
- Make decisions based on facts and strategic orientation.
- Increase the knowledge about our company on the market.
- Eliminate risks of the company's main tasks by precautions and preliminary measures.
- Gain the trust of our customers by delivering high quality services.
Ensuring quality must not decrease safety and health protection. Environmental protection and protection of natural resources are essential. It is a big part of the brand and a necessary condition for the company to thrive. The company is bound to permanently increase the implemented quality management system. Quality policy was issued as a internal document and all our employees were introduced to it.
As the producer we very looking forward for your questions about the possible cooperation in your region.